Bernat Espigulé

Consultant and Mathematical Researcher

Bernat lives in Catalonia and works both as a maths communicator and a research member of EDMA's Research Group (Differential Equations, Modelling and Applications) at Universitat de Girona. This involves spreading his love of maths via research articles, animations, 3D-printed sculptures, and school visits. ORCID: 0000-0002-8036-7851.


Dynamical Systems

Research member of dynamical systems GSD-UAB subgroup working on discrete dynamical systems and fractal geometry.


Advanced Wolfram Language developer. Rapid prototyping. Problem solving programming. Wolfram Cloud. Computational explorations.

Analysis on Fractals

Hausdorff dimension of fractal dendrites. Diffusion processes on classical fractals.

Topology of Self-Similar Sets

Tip-to-tip connectivity of complex trees. Families of self-similar sets homeomorphic to Julia sets.

Work Experience

2022 - Present

Research Member of EDMA's Research Group at Universitat de Girona.

Grad Student, Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. PERSONAL INVESTIGADOR EN FORMACIÓ (IF_UDG 2022-2025).

Catalonia, Girona

2020 - 2021

Content Creation at Wolfram Research for the History of Mathematics Project

A virtual exhibit developed for the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City.

Funding for this project generously provided by Overdeck Family Foundation

2019 - 2020

Consultant at CosmoCaixa

Design of new content and innovative activities.

The Museum of Science of Barcelona

2017 - 2022

Research Member of HOLODYN

Universitat de Barcelona.

Catalonia, Barcelona

2014 - Present

Outreach Lecturing

Kinetic Architecture, ESARQ

2019 Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, UIC

Barcelona Tech Math Summer Camp

2018 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC

Wolfram Educational Summer Programs

2014-2017 United States, Boston

2013 - 2017

Full-Time Consultant

Wolfram Research, Technical Communications and Strategy Group

Remote Office, Barcelona


2017 - 2018

Graduate Student Fellowship

Starting research grant recipient

Institute of Mathematics of the University of Barcelona, IMUB


Featured alumni

Wolfram Science Summer School

United States, Boston

2011 - 2013

ERASMUS student

Heidelberg Universität

Germany, Heidelberg

2010 - 2011

International EAP Student

University of California, UCSB

United States, Santa Barbara

2007 - 2010

B.Sc. in Physics

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
